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Published: Thursday, 25 May 2017 15:50
Written by Anne Chua
Hits: 2143
State your name & tell us since when you join TMC, and what are the ministries you currently are serving in TMC.
1. what has made you want to serve in the first place? and how do you find yourself serving in TMC?
2. have you encounter difficult moment while serving? (if yes, please share max 3 challenges) How have you overcome these challenges?
3. what is the most impactful & meaningful moment in your serving life?
4. looking forward to the coming future, do you think you will continue to serve?
5. what encourage word you would give to the audience in terms of serving God?
Q1. My name is Anne Chua and has joined TMC since the year 1999. Currently, I am serving in two ministries in TMC that is ITM (AV Crew) and Advisor of Trinity Youth.
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Published: Tuesday, 17 January 2017 10:00
Written by Joshua
Hits: 2232
My initial intent of joining the disciple class was to get into the habit of reading the scriptures on a regular basis with proper guidelines and to hopefully to be able to hear from the Lord. In the past, I have tried to follow a few bible reading planners but failed as I was too accommodated to read in my own way and I feel constricted following a planner.
I remember the first few weeks of the disciple class normally had between 10 to 20 students and the daily chapters assigned to read were easy; so to say. But I never thought I would have difficulty trying to finish the daily readings assigned halfway through the class until half way through the course. There were weeks where I had to catch up a few days of reading because I was busy but I always seem to manage in the end. The reason being I felt those weeks were very dry and dull.
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Published: Tuesday, 17 January 2017 09:54
Written by Esther
Hits: 2405
Looking back, from the beginning to the end, is part of a life journey of faith.
My disciple group is made up of brothers and sisters of different age groups. It’s not by accident that we signed up for this course together. It’s interesting to hear them sharing their unique experiences and insights. Each person would notice different things as we studied along the way so we got to listen to the different views when we met up once a week and shared. We struggled together through the daily homework. But knowing that there’s someone who struggled with me gave me great comfort. We prayed for each other, that’s also a promise we made to each other in this Disciple Red group.
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Published: Tuesday, 17 January 2017 09:49
Written by Rita Manurung
Hits: 2276
I’ll do it when I’m retired – I’ve said that many times and to many people. When 2016 loomed, I decided that the time is right and I must not procrastinate any longer. I told myself, ‘What could be more worthwhile doing now that I have all the time in the world’? However, I was still not convinced that I could stay the whole 34 weeks. I began to think of holidays, trips overseas and other fun activities that I may miss. I also have weekly choir practise, Taichi class and voluntary activities. Niggling doubts began to creep in especially after class started. I prayed about it.