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Published: Monday, 29 July 2019 21:52
Written by Michael Kho
Hits: 1468

Joining the Mt Murud Prayer Conference 18-21/7/19 was a life time unforgettable experience for me.
On 17/9 (Wed) after about 6 hours climbing journey, I reached the Mt. Murud church camp. I was immediately “Wow” out loud when looking over from hilltop the whole church camp. This place is like paradise, a number of wooden houses. As I was struggling to carry my own 10kg luggage up to the camp, my mind immediately wonder how these building material able to reach here?
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Published: Monday, 29 July 2019 14:33
Written by Aileen Tan
Hits: 1564
Mount Murud? Me? No ... Yes, you can .. I don’t think I can
That was last year at the prayer convention in Sibu
In my heart I was also wondering why do I need to climb a high mountain to hear God .. does it mean I can hear him better? That became one of my expectations
As the time got nearer, it hit me that I had to be serious and make a decision quick! So I seek the Lord and next morning, he gave me 3 verses from my devotion of Isaiah 40 – v 4, 9, 31 (11th April as per my wataps to Judith)

With verse 40: 4 – what excuse do I have? So we started to look into the flights but all direct flights were fully booked. Meaning we have to fly to KK, travel 3 hours to Lawas and then 5 hours to Ba’kelalan! I would be a dead duck reaching there and expected to climb next day!
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Published: Monday, 29 July 2019 09:22
Written by Jacinta Kong
Hits: 1549

“What am I doing here, Lord?” is the only thing I have in mind when I was hiking up Mount Murud, with no idea how much more distance to go. Ever since the invitation was issued to the LCEC members last year, I had been praying to God if He wants me to go. People told me that if God wants me to go, He will make me go.
The hike is tough, with the trail being muddy and dirty. It was when I was at ends meet, with no more strength in my feet, that I cried out to God to strengthen me and carry me through. When I finally reach the church camp up in Mount Murud, totally drained, I was still questioning God why He made me come here. During the first session, one statement from the preacher hit me. “Those from the city, you saw that the trail is muddy, so you try to avoid the mud. You don’t want to get yourself dirty”. That is the first hit from God, my stubborn refusal to get dirty for Him. I always pray to God for a smooth sailing life, to take away all the trials and struggles. But that is not what being Christian is all about! In the Bible, Christ clearly told us that we will face trials and persecution if we choose to be His follower. He Himself was persecuted when He was on earth. There, I cried and repented.
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Published: Monday, 29 July 2019 08:31
Written by Raymond Law
Hits: 1423

Mount Murud is the highest mountain in Sarawak with a height of 2423m. Every two years, the Lun Bawang people will climb up to the mountains to host a revival meeting for all nations to come and pray. It is a sacred place where God has chosen. When I heard about the miracles and the revival that have took place in Bekalalan, it really stirred my heart of wanting to go and personally see how true this revival is. I was in awe of how God was working miraculously during this revival meeting and it really helped me in my spiritual journey. All the stories and memories that I made up there will forever be in my heart.
This is my second trip up to Mount Murud. Actually, for a second time, I did not have much conviction to go. I was thinking that since it was my semester break, I might as well spend my 3 months holiday on something meaningful. Therefore, I said yes to the trip up to Mount Murud. But I still did not feel very much enthusiastic about going on this trip. It wasn’t until we had our second meeting where everyone was somewhat excited and pumped up to climb up to the mountain and longing to have an encounter with God. God reminded me of the first conviction that I had when I heard about the revival meeting and that excitement that I had two years ago. Only then did my willingness and conviction to go on this trip increases.