My Mount Murud Spiritual Journey (17 -23 August 2023)


Hallelujah! Praise the Lord for all His blessings, provisions, and protection during our Mt Murud journey, which saw us climb up the mountain and return safely to Kuching.

1. Before the Journey
I go for my brisk walk exercise daily if possible. Although I was alone in my walks, I felt God’s presence with me. I would be singing, praying, and drawing strength from God. One evening, there was a heavy downpour and I could not go for exercise. I prayed to God to control the rain. It was still drizzling when I went out. God answered my prayer as the rain stopped. After my walk, the rain started again!! Thank you, Lord. Another day, the same thing happened and God did the same miracle - the rain came after I had finished the walk. This is how I encountered God from the beginning. He is my strength and power and with confidence in our Lord, I know can make it up and down Mt Murud.

2. On the Way from Kota Kinabalu to Lawas 17-07-2023
Five of us sat happily in a 4WD vehicle from Kota Kinabalu. After a comfort stop at a petrol kiosk, the car’s aircond broke down and we drove to a mechanic shop in Beauford Jaya for a check. Repairs took 2 hours and we could not wait to reach our destination.
We reached Ba Kelalan in the evening. We switched all our luggage to the ‘hotcond’ car while the five of us switched to the other 2 vans. Praise the Lord.

3. On the Way from Lepo Bunga to Lawas 22-07-2023
Before descending the hill, our driver, Jeffrey, changed the gear to low gear. He had difficulty changing the gear and the whole gear handle was pulled out completely!!! He stopped the pickup and told us to clean up in the nearby stream while he did the repairs, as we were all full of mud. I even asked him, " Kamu pandai repair kah?" Feeling happy, the 8 of us went down to refresh and enjoyed ourselves in the stream. Repairs were soon done by our smart driver!
As I recall back, in bad times we still trust in our God "that in all things God who work for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose" Romans 8: 28. Indeed God takes care of us. Hallelujah Amen.

4. Ascending Hike 18-07-2023/ Descending Hike 22-07-2023
This is a tough and challenging hike, with no proper steps to climb but muddy, slippery steep paths with roots here and there. If I can make it, everyone can make it too. I put myself confidently in God’s mighty hand and claimed His promising words in 2 Cor 12: 9 " My GRACE is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” The joy of the Lord is my strength. Amen.
I prayed for God's strength and power to carry me up and down the hike. “Lord Jesus, each step that I took was with your arms that held me, and your guarding angels that lifted me.” The brothers and sisters in our team and some passers-by also motivated me with encouraging words to keep going.
I enjoyed the hike though I felt tired but it was experiencing God's presence that made me joyful. I was surrounded by God’s creation - fresh air, insects, birds, trees, roots, and branches that I could hold and pull myself up and down the hill. We do not experience all these in the city!!!

5. Mt Murud Convention Prayer
The songs of praise during the wonderful and amazing worship lifted me up. On the first day of worship, while singing the song, “How Great Thou Art" I sensed the Holy Spirit touching me that my joyful tears just flowed and flowed that I could not stop at all.
The Theme of Convention Prayer - Tetap Setia: Hari Tuhan Mendekat
This reminded me of the verse Isaiah 52: 7 " How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring GOOD NEWS, who proclaim PEACE, who bring GOOD TIDINGS, who proclaim SALVATION" had appeared in my mind a few times before I came to Mt Murud. Now I understand what God reminds us to do.
Yes, the Day of the Lord is near. Our Lord commanded "all believers to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them .......Matthew 28:18 - 20
Let us shine for our Lord Jesus Christ and bless His Holy name. Amen

6. Incidents Happened
a. When we reached Batu Linanit, at the top of the summit, when descending to the Church Campsite, the sky was dark and it was going to rain. So, we had to descend fast to escape the rain. It started drizzling as we still had some distance to go. We put on our raincoat and continued the journey. I prayed again asking God to control the rain till all our team members arrived at the Church Camp. Amen. God protected us and we reached the Campsite safely. Then the rain poured down. Glory to God's name.

b. Brother Wilson out of kindness and compassion, offered to carry my backpack as we were walking along the Joy Bridge. With a grateful heart, I let him carry my backpack together with his own.

An incident happened when we reached the base of the Batu Linanit. Brother Wilson used the base shortcut route while we climbed up the wooden stairs. Brother Wilson fell onto the very muddy path due to his weak leg after he sustained a cramp which I did not know then. After he reached the Campsite, he felt " pai sei ". So, he washed my backpack on arrival. When I arrived and rested for a while, Brother Wilson told me about his fall and washed my backpack. That worried me! Quickly I checked my belongings inside my backpack. My heart dropped when I saw that my handphone was wet, 3 electronic devices - torch light, USB, and Ionshield were soaked in water inside an unsealed plastic bag. After being wiped dry, the handphone was working, but the 3 devices were out of order. I went to our Lord to pray for protection and restoration. Then a thought from God told me to get the heat from the fireplace to dry up the devices (there was no electricity in Church Camp) Before bed, I checked the 3 devices, and nothing had been restored. Trusting for a miracle to happen, I left the devices by the fireplace till the next day evening. Hallelujah, the 3 devices were restored to normal by our mighty God. With a grateful heart, we blessed His Holy name and glorified God's mighty work for His kingdom to come. Amen.