"Journey To Heaven" - Mt. Murud
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- Published: Monday, 21 August 2023 09:01
- Written by Julie Kong Fung Fung
- Hits: 585
First of all, I would like to thank God for giving me the opportunity to go to Ba'kelalan, Mount Murud this year. If it was not the encouragement and motivation from Sister Judith, I may not have had the courage to make such a decision. For the first time TMC delegation to this event comprises of brothers and sisters from three different congregations. Although we are from different backgrounds, cultures, speak different languages and different ages, our belief brings us together for this trip. Together we went through laughter, enjoyed beautiful scenery, supported, and encouraged each other throughout the whole journey.
I am not new to mountain hiking/climbing. From my previous experiences, I think I can climb at a reasonably fast pace, and I wished to reach the destination as soon as possible. I told my team that I wanted to reach the destination fast. However, to my surprise, as soon as I stepped into the forest, I felt that it was not as easy and smooth as I had imagined. We were divided into three teams, and all the team members were to take care of each other, and no one were to be left behind or left alone.
Throughout the whole journey hiking up Mount Murud, I experienced life enlightening journey of my life. My teammates and I started our journey up to the destination together, all of us would stop and rest whenever any of us was tired. They were always by my side when I was not feeling well. They accompanied me until I was ready to continue the hike. Sometimes I felt sorry that I slowed them down, but they never complained about it but continuingly gave me words of comfort and encouragement. People passing by also helped me to reach the destination through words of encouragement. I was very touched, and it also reminded me that as members of the church, we cannot assume that we are good, and can always fulfill what God has entrusted us all on our own. If we do so, we will surely give up when we face challenges along the way. I may have fainted while hiking alone or fallen off the cliff. Consistent encouragement, companions and guidance from my team-mates comforted me whenever I felt demotivated to continue the journey.
Just after I began to get used to the conditions of the route, we entered the next level of the journey. The new route seemed to be easier as it seemed to be flatter and not inclined. However it was not easy as it was very muddy and very challenging to even move one step forward. At that instance, I felt like I was being cheated.
When I recalled back, this part of the route is not that difficult at all. As we were inexperienced and did not have an experienced guide, the hike becomes very challenging as we need to learn and to adapt along the way. This happens to all of us too in our daily life when we are handling new things, without the guidance of the Holy Spirit or experienced teachers/guides..
When we finally arrived at the final rest area, we had to decide the final route as there were two routes for everyone to choose from. It was a tough decision to make as one of the routes is short, easier but going across the jungle with no view whereas the other route is a longer hilly route with slippery steps but with a superb scenery along the way. At that instance, a thought came to my mind. This situation is just like the life of a Christian!. We could either choose to be just a believer, enjoy our simple life and be a “Sunday worshipper” or we could stand up for God, serve Him and trusting Him for what he will give to us, and take up all the challenges that He has called us to do. Which one will you choose?
After a long deep thought, I chose the mountain path, and was amazed to see the magnificent scenery along the way. I wanted to take pictures of every view and from every direction. . But when we turned around, we noticed the dark sky and bad weather that was heading towards us. I panicked and just wanted to rush down the mountain as quickly as possible. I slipped and fell into the mud! A pair of mother and daughter helped me up and guided me down the mountain. As the rain was getting heavier, I did not want to drag them down and thus asked them to go without me as I shall walk down slowly. They refused and accompanied me until we reached our destination. My heart is full of gratitude whenever I think of them as they gave me a hand when I was at my most helpless stage. . This is the love of God, sending angels to guide us and to be with us whenever we are in trouble and helpless.
After a long and tiring journey, we finally arrived at Reked Meligan. We were greeted by the villagers there and we were taken to a big house where we stayed for the next few days.
Later I learned that the house we stayed in was considered top-notch and was one of the best. All the other houses are without attached washrooms and one needed to walk a distance to use the toilets or to shower! I am not sure if heaven looks like this where only those who are prepared will have a better dwelling in heaven that others may envy.
Throughout this journey, I experienced and learnt many things, I felt like I am in heaven together with others to worship God together, seek God, experience God, and shares God's wonderful works. The most important message that I learnt is that the end of the world is near and that we need to be vigilant and prepared.
This journey also reminded me of the movie "Journey to Heaven", although it was not as exciting as in the movie, I truly experienced part of the “Journey to Heaven”. Thus, I would like to share this cartoon with you so that everyone can also reflect on which character they belong to now.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGb1Awp54tk&t=1438s (中文版) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksu-zTG9HHg&t=797s (English version)
May God bless and keep those who are always with us, and walking in His ways. Amen!