Mt Murud 2019

KienKwok P1

I love hiking and I was up to the Rock Garden two years back. It's part of the journey from Lepo Bunga to Bario with my hiking friends. Without reaching the summit was God's plan to urge me coming back this year. He wants me to bring "my family" to the summit.

Trusting in God's plan was the only promise I pledged. His Spirit moved my heart and hands to book the air ticket last December. Though many uncertainties were still in my mind, I was convinced He will provide. In my busy schedule, I only get all things ready two days before my departure. God is good, nothing is left out.


It is about 2:30pm, I load myself again with 18kg backpack, to hike 5 hours, about 4.8 km slope distance to the Reked Meligan Church Camp (Holy Ground). Is it heavy? With God, He says "my burden is light."


For the first time I experience a heavenly worship with songs of different languages. It is just so sweet and joyous. My heart is touched, my eyes are wet.


KienKwok P2

KienKwok P3

Saturday morning is the moment I wait for. Journey to the summit starts at 6am. I can't wait to bring three (3) Chinese dumplings with Red bean filling made by my mom to the top. They represent my family. I run and overtake, be the first 50 to reach the top within 3 hours for about 4.3 km. After capturing my triumphant moment at the peak, quickly I find a place to say my prayer to God, a sweet encounter with Him. I pray especially with the dumplings open to ask God's salvation pouring down my family. By the invitation of the Holy Spirit, He says "Cast all your anxiety on ME because I care for you." (1 Peter 5:7) So, I submit my wife and kids, health, works, ministries, unbelieving friends, worries, sins, unfinished tasks, etc to His Him. My burdens are suddenly unloaded, Hallelujah...


I don't have the burning bush experience at Mt Murud though I wish to. Absolutely He is still real to custom-make the PATTERN for me to download. His PATTERN is not confusing and unadorned, His Word is the PATTERN. He reminds me to start any church events with His word. My mind is suddenly filled with all church activities, including games, sports, tuition, small group, meetings, home worship, prayer hours, festival services and many more. God wants me to name them and promise to open with His word. God is good He knows my limits. He doesn't give me complicated PATTERN, but simple within my ability.

I enjoy the whole trip as it is full of cool air, colouful nature, beautiful people, close fellowship, great local food and His companion. I know I will come back again to enjoy His wonderful creation.