My heart desire came true
- Details
- Published: Wednesday, 31 July 2019 15:40
- Written by Suzy Wong
- Hits: 1981
I came to know of Mt Murud prayer convention two years ago through Judith. I told her i want to go! Thank you Judith for inviting me. I started praying, with some friends in May. Great grace from God my father, He opened every door in such a short time. God used Magi visit to the Messiah (Matthew 2) to guide and strengthen my resolve to go.
"When God calls, I must respond.. when He open doors, no one can close"
There was only one Miri-Ba’kelalan air ticket left for me to go with Dr Siew and i bought it by faith. Initially I was struggling to seek permission from my husband to go as I was worried his answer maybe a “no” considering how much I am needed at home.. but thanks be to God and all glory to Him for answering my prayers and I got the “green light” on (27/6) to go! my family began praying for my journey too! Hallelujah! Thanks to Aileen, for nudging me & going with me for physical (walk/climb) training and I am still amazed how God put everyone to help me in this journey.
The Hike
We were so happy when we reached Jambatan sukacita(Joy bridge), in two hours with Raymond. I learned to be thankful, to persevere and to be dependent on God’s strength & guidance. Thank God also for sunlight & shoe prints which we followed and finally after 6 long hours we reached just before sunset. PTL!
The Theme of this revival meeting: “Isyriharkan Berita Terlepasan- Proclaim the Good News of Deliverance “
I travelled so far, like the Magi, I told God i had no gift to offer, but only bow to worship Him with many burdens & requests. And He graciously brought me through with His manifested presence: worship songs, prayers of repentance, forgiveness, lay down my burdens and through messages from Isaiah 40. He convicted me of areas i needed His power to change: “we cannot bring deliverance to the world if we ourselves are enslaved, in bondage or have been exiled for whatever reason”. “when we don’t understand, we trust His Soverignity . Dwell in the Sovereignty of God!. “The more surrendered you are, the more anointing power you’ll receive (He puts on you). God allow frustration so that He wants our surrender! God wants to equip you”
Journey home
Coming down from Mt Murud, I felt my burdens lifted, blessed & accompanied by Jacinta, Raymond, Michael, we took 4 hours. Heading home, everyone looked great! Thank you all for your prayers, sharings, testimonies, warm fellowship & caring. Hallelujah! Difficult journey to Mt Murud? Yes, by God’s grace, it’s possible!