God amazes me all the time

Michael P1

Joining the Mt Murud Prayer Conference 18-21/7/19 was a life time unforgettable experience for me.

On 17/9 (Wed) after about 6 hours climbing journey, I reached the Mt. Murud church camp. I was immediately “Wow” out loud when looking over from hilltop the whole church camp. This place is like paradise, a number of wooden houses. As I was struggling to carry my own 10kg luggage up to the camp, my mind immediately wonder how these building material able to reach here?


Michel P2
For the next few days, around 27 people squeezed into the house of Pak Paran (including our team of 15 people). We cook and eat, sleep and snore, bath & wash, basically live like sardine, but amazingly none of us complaint about anything. In fact all of us praised Pak Paran for his house and rated 5 star for it. I asked Pak Paran, where was he graduated from and learned to design and build this house, with a simple smile, he said “mana ada, sendiri belajar”. Another “Wow” just came out of my mouth, as I look at him and I know God has granted wisdom to this dedicated man and his kampong mate, because they all have committed to be facilitator for people coming from all around the world to encounter God on this Holy Mountain. It takes a strong and willing heart to trust and obey God to this extend, a living testimony and live model for us to follow

Michel P3.
Next morning, after breakfast, I soaped myself in God’s wonderful creation, the womb of the Mother Nature with the morning cool breeze, bird chirping, flower scent, I whispered to God saying, “Wow God, your creation is really amazing”. In comparison, we are so tiny in the whole universe, yet our God has created us and called us His Children. How amazing this love is.

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The next day, after taking the group photo outside the Hallelujah Chapel, I was touched by God. I asked God, why He want me to be up here, He told me, just to worship and praise Him, and suddenly the sun ray shine on my right cheek, I can hear him telling me, “this is to recharge you to continue your race”. Then I started to sob, tears just ran down my cheek, yet my heart was rejoicing. Knowing God is always looking after us daily and not only has He known all our needs, He is our provider

Michael P4.

Frankly speaking, due to min preparation my heart was somewhat worry before we embark on this journey, then when I had reached the camp site, I told myself not to try climbing the summit which is another min 8 hours of return journey. By human logic, I was concerned whether my body can accept this challenge, furthermore, I worry about water supply due to heavy sweating. Just before we were getting ready for the next sermon, a guy called Jubilie Apin, who sat next to us, asking Rev Lau if he will be going to the summit the following day. Later he asked “what is the reasons to say no?” I got strike by this question, asking myself, am I climbing the summit for myself or for God. Obviously my answer is God, and next question pops out in my mind, “if it is for God, then why are you worry about anything, let the weak say I am strong”. Truly, the next morning I woke up early and getting myself ready to climb the summit. When I reached the summit I was crying uncontrollable when listening to everyone else singing and calling out Jesus name, I told God that without His providence, I would not be able to reach the summit.

This experience has taught me to take bold step for God’s plan. If we are the chosen one, for sure he will provide everything that we need to complete the run. I really praise God for He has renewed my strength and refresh my mind through this trip. So what you waiting for? Start planning your trip to Mt. Murud in 2021 and be ready to touch by God.