Promise Land, Israel Sea Of Galilee, Israel Station Of The Cross, Israel Paul's Prison in Philippi, Greece Acropolis Greece Ancient Corinth, Greece Ancient Philippi, Greece Apollo Sanctuary, Greece Corinth Canal, Greece Meteora Greece Ancient Olympia, Greece Ibu Bulan's Testimony of Ba'kelalan Revival Ibu Inang's Testimony on Ba'kelalan Revival Ibu Maria's Testimony on Ba'kelalan Revival

A Journey of Mud Faith

Raymond P1

Mount Murud is the highest mountain in Sarawak with a height of 2423m. Every two years, the Lun Bawang people will climb up to the mountains to host a revival meeting for all nations to come and pray. It is a sacred place where God has chosen. When I heard about the miracles and the revival that have took place in Bekalalan, it really stirred my heart of wanting to go and personally see how true this revival is. I was in awe of how God was working miraculously during this revival meeting and it really helped me in my spiritual journey. All the stories and memories that I made up there will forever be in my heart.
This is my second trip up to Mount Murud. Actually, for a second time, I did not have much conviction to go. I was thinking that since it was my semester break, I might as well spend my 3 months holiday on something meaningful. Therefore, I said yes to the trip up to Mount Murud. But I still did not feel very much enthusiastic about going on this trip. It wasn’t until we had our second meeting where everyone was somewhat excited and pumped up to climb up to the mountain and longing to have an encounter with God. God reminded me of the first conviction that I had when I heard about the revival meeting and that excitement that I had two years ago. Only then did my willingness and conviction to go on this trip increases.

Forward to the day of climbing up to the church camp up in Mount Murud, I was assigned to climb with two lovely aunties, Aunty Suzy and Dr. Siew. We managed to get from Lepo Bunga to Joy Bridge in just merely 2 hours. I was surprised that the two aunties managed to climb with such a fast pace. However, I overtook them and just went off my way for the second part of the climbing. It was not until then the Holy Spirit stirred my heart saying that I had some pride in me to be the fastest to reach the church camp instead of focusing on the welfare of others. So, I sat down on the rocky path and I repented before the Lord and there was a deliverance for me, and I praise my heavenly father for that.

I have several encounters with the Lord throughout the revival meeting. One of the most crucial encounters I had was that He confirmed my calling to go into full time ministry and He is going to prepare a way for me to minister to the young people. He also reminded me to be more like Daniel in the Bible and to pray more for His people and His Kingdom. Another encounter I had was that I sawed a vision of a waterfall full of God’s living water flowing from His throne as shown in Revelations 22:1. The living water flowed through us and washed away all our inequities and flow down the mountain to the rest of Sarawak and then to Malaysia. I also saw that the living water is also flowing in our church, but its just that we do not spend time to pray and plead with God for the outpouring of the living water. Therefore, we need to be constantly be praying to God for our church TMC. I also encountered the Lord as he restored my relationship with Him and Him calling my name and being my heavenly father. My spirit has been refreshed as our heavenly father embraces me just like the prodigal son in the bible.

Many have said that TMC is like a “cold” church where people are not caring or loving enough to others. But what I saw with the 15 of us in the mountain really changes my perspective of what TMC truly is. TMC can be loving and caring and TMC can also be a church where the love God dwells. It’s just that we don’t spend enough time with each other that causes distance with each other. When we were up in Mount Murud, we cook, eat and have fellowship together just like the early church. There is so much love for each other. I pray that all TMC members can spend more time with one another and build up relationships that will last for a very, very long time and to break the curse of being a “cold” church.

Raymond P2

Raymond P3

I also pray that all people will learn more about this revival meeting and the things God is doing in Sarawak. I hope that many will take on this journey of faith with great expectation that He will do great things. May the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ be always with you.
Love, Raymond.