How Jesus walk in my life journey with our Father’s perfect Love

How Jesus walk in my life journey with our Father’s perfect Love


My parents were Buddhist during my childhood. They worship the Buddhist statue everyday & I just followed their footsteps. However in my heart, I fear death. 怕死 as I believe that if I died, my soul will be helpless, lonely and lost without any direction. That’s my insecurity that affected my mental and emotional wellbeing that time.

Subsequently I attended University in NZ, I met my Flatmates and all of them are Christians. I was so blessed to be with them because every night we will pray the rosary together. That's how my curiosity towards God arose.

God draws me closer to him by answering a lot of my prayers. I wanted to know & understand him more, so I follow my Uni mates to attend daily mass. The more I spend time with God and study His words , the more peaceful I become. I began to join choir, bible study and finally RCIA.



I also spend a lot of time with the priest and sisters from the church. They are people who know and love God tremendously. God boosted my faith and enlighten my life through them. Finally I was baptized in New Zealand's church. During my baptism, I felt marvellous peace, filled with the holy spirit and lay down rested on the floor. The Holy spirit enable my heart to burst with joy and God immersed me in His love. He is the almighty God and I surrendered everything to Him in that moment. Suddenly in my vision, I saw a white place like heaven appear in front of me and someone bringing me flying on the cloud peacefully. It’s the most wonderful encounter with God.

After that, my faith got stronger. During the cold dark winter, I would also wake up at 5.00am in the morning everyday to prepare myself walking to church. It takes me about 20-25 mins to reach the church every morning in order to attend the 6am morning mass. I'm not afraid of colds as I focus in God. He changes my lifestyle. I felt His presence with me all the time.

Once during a summer holiday, I flew to Christchurch ( New Zealand). The plane went through horrible turbulence & I thought I'm going to meet God soon. At that moment, my heart suddenly felt calmness and peace without fear. It's God's grace that soothed my turmoil ( 混乱). I can imagine God held my hand tightly and be with me while the plane was being shaky. After a while, the plane ✈️ miraculously return to normal. I praise the Lord for He saves me again and bring everyone to safety. This is my second encounter with God after my baptism.

After I graduated, I met my hubby Mr Alphonsus. Although he was a Christian, he seldom go to church. I asked him to join me at church every week for Sunday mass etc .

All this while I think God really blesses my family & I until Iast year, I was diagnosed with brain tumor on my left side and it affected my hearing. The neurologist suggested me to go for radiosurgery in Singapore. Due to COVID , I am unable to go. Therefore, doctor suggested me to just wait and see and monitor my tumor condition every 6 months.

Before I even managed to cure my brain tumor, I was diagnosed with retina detachment ( 视网膜脱离 ) few months later which required immediate surgery. I experienced intense fear at the thoughts of going under GA surgery and swab test . I’m comforted by God’s love during this struggles. Indeed our God is great and a miracle healer . He held my hand when I am afraid and Ionely. He empowers me with strength, hope & protection.

I got more thankful as my Dearest Families , Relatives, Friends, Cell group members, Church leaders , Church prayer team and Devotional prayers team for always keep me in their prayer, when I need courage the most. All of their supports and encouragement provide intensive booster towards my faith.

My trials and tribulations didn’t stop there. After my first eye surgery, it was not successful because My retina didn’t reattached back. Next Doctor scheduled me to undergo another surgery which was more complicated because it will enter into deeper layers of my eye. The success rate is not high, since my retina is very thin. I was down and sad but God continues to sustain me with hope , encouragement and comfort by surrounding me with people who continue to pray for me. I thank my Soulmate, cell group members , church leader Rev Japez, Rev Chan , Sister Judith, Sister mee ting and others involved in keeping me in their prayers . I am truly touched by their valid concerns and loving thoughts.

Few months later, I undergo the 3rd & final round of eye’s surgery. God answered our prayers this time by letting my retina reattached back completely.... Praise be to God!! May all the glories be His forever!

One year later, I performed MRI to scan my brain tumour again. Thank God the tumour did not progress but remain the same, however I still need to go for radiosurgery to dissolve the tumour to prevent further growth.

During March this year, I undergo the Radiosurgery in Singapore. I have fears but felt God's definite near me to strengthen, encourage, empower and comfort me. I encountered the Holy Spirit as He granted me inner peace and calmness during the radioSurgery. The doctor installed an extremely heavy crown ? on my head to prevent movements. While being conscious, my whole body was required to be still for 2 hours during radiosurgery. So I decided to surrender and offer my life to God. I pray, praise and worship Him with all my soul & my mind and all my heart . God’s love ? is ever presence & never cease, once again He saves & protected me and won the difficult battle for me. Our Lord Almighty is a victorious King. Praise the Lord , my operation was done smoothly and successfully.

However my right eye's vision is still blurred even though I had undergo the surgery for 3 times. I've been to Singapore National Eye Centre to consult 2 professors, both of them gave me similar advises. Both couldn't do anything to improve my eye sight. If my vision get worse, I might be blind. When this happens, only then, they will perform another surgery as a precaution for me from going blind. The doctor has classified my right eye as OKU ( orang kurang Upaya ).

Indeed I'm walking a challenging path, I'm left with one OKU eye ? and one ear?that can only hear 10% due to the brain tumor. I haven't give up hope, but choose to surrender , trust, submit and obey God who is always be our savior, our light, our healer, our refuge and our pillars of strength. Only He can lead us to salvation, righteous path and inspire us to remain faithful until we reunite again with Him in eternal life.

With God I'm able to think positively & believe this challenge is a blessing in disguise. I began to enjoy people holding my hand as my main love language is touch. Now my hubby, son, family and friends will hold my hand tightly wherever I go & I felt most loved ?.

I sincerely believe our amazing God will continue to work miracles by restoring my vision & hearing. I believe God has His own ways and plans for me. His ways are above ours & beyond our understanding. His wisdom & knowledge have no limits. I shall continue growing deeper into my spiritual life by worshipping, sing praises, lean on him and learn to love him with all my heart, soul and mind. Nothing is impossible for Him. While going through hardship, I've learned to submit all my weaknesses to Him because everything is under his control.

Prayers are essential in part of our life as One of my best friend send me the true story of “Brain tumor dissolves by Power of prayers “. This story touched me tremendously & deeply and boosted my faith. I started to cheer up & believe that He will answers our prayers in His own time. Whatever the answers He gives, it will always be good and the best.

I wish to be His instrument by being His eyes & ears on earth to others that He wishes me to reach out, to be His people.

I would like to take the opportunity to conclude & Thank God that he enables me to share my testimony on His unconditional love with everyone. Let us allowed God to be our strength when we are weak. Praise & Thank God for being in my life. I hope I can bless more people that they will be inspired to pray, trust, obey , praise , surrender , love and grow closer to our glorious God.