Sharing by Anne Chua In her Ministries
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- Published: Thursday, 25 May 2017 15:50
- Written by Anne Chua
- Hits: 2180
State your name & tell us since when you join TMC, and what are the ministries you currently are serving in TMC.
1. what has made you want to serve in the first place? and how do you find yourself serving in TMC?
2. have you encounter difficult moment while serving? (if yes, please share max 3 challenges) How have you overcome these challenges?
3. what is the most impactful & meaningful moment in your serving life?
4. looking forward to the coming future, do you think you will continue to serve?
5. what encourage word you would give to the audience in terms of serving God?
Q1. My name is Anne Chua and has joined TMC since the year 1999. Currently, I am serving in two ministries in TMC that is ITM (AV Crew) and Advisor of Trinity Youth.
Q2. In the year 2011, my husband served as AV Crew in TMC. During that time, I used to hang around at the Console area whenever I was not teaching in Sunday School. From there I started to have a bit of interest to serve as AV Crew too. So I started off as so called Powerpoint Slide Flipper. After a few years of serving in AV ministry, as my daughter started joining Trinity Youth, I was invited and asked to be an advisor by one advisor of Trinity Youth. I served in Youth ministry since 2014. Hence by serving this two ministries, I then decided to leave Sunday School ministry. I find myself living to be more faithful and glorify God by serving in TMC.
Q3. Yes, I do encounter difficult moment while serving. Especially serving in AV ministry. As a working person with family, it can be very tiring when you are needed to be present with the Praise and Worship team or the Combined Services rehearsal. But thank God, I only worked for 5 days in a week. Thus, I can join every Saturday practice whenever I am on duty and continue on to the Youth gathering at 7.30pm. Whenever there is a Combined Service, there will be a few practices too. With this, I will go to the church right after I left my work office at 5.30pm. I would reach home between 9.30pm to 10.00pm. When it comes to Sunday Service or Combined Services, this is the most exciting and interesting part, whenever the powerpoint slide or the system has problems, the congregations will turn their heads to the Control Console at the back. Not only that, they will come up to you and ask what has happened just now during the service. Sometimes I really felt like how I wished if I can just walk away and leave the place but I always knew whatever it is, God is always there for me. And I must serve with patience.
Whereas in Youth ministry, somehow I felt like I am one of them. You know the way they talk, playfully, hugging you. I always felt so touched and inspired by them.
Q4. In fact, God has placed me in TMC in order that I might be edified so that I might work for and serve Him. To remain sedentary is to neglect God’s very purpose for our salvation. By serving, I behave like Jesus and glorify Him.
Q5. Looking forward to the coming future, I will continue to serve in TMC.
Q6. Involvement in ministry is a life of service for Jesus, like Jesus, and with Jesus. In fact, it’s all about Jesus. Brothers and sisters in Christ, I believed we have been uniquely gifted to serve.
Several Bible passages help us to understand the concept of spiritual gifts. Among them are Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4. In these chapters, we learn how God graciously and supernaturally favors each believer with his own distinct ministry gift! What a privilege is ours! So, let us encourage one another - we are all blessed with certain unique gifts by our Almighty God, please please use it mightyly in TMC. In TMC, there are many ministries where you can come to serve as one family.